
Tuesday 15 November 2011

Looking Back....

WOW! It is hard to believe that 2011 is nearly over and 2012 is just around the corner!
I have found myself, over the last couple of days, reviewing my year.... It's not such a bad thing to do....

So often we are forging ahead, setting new goals and challenges that we often forget all the small little things we have achieved and we don't actually realise just how far we have come!
When we are in the trenches, it is often so difficult for one to see their growth. We often feel as if we have achieved nothing and life is standing still. Let me tell you it will never be the case! All those small steps that you take every day, eventually add up and by just taking the time to reconcile, you will see just how far you have come!

So before you start working on those new years resolutions or feeling like you have achieved nothing over the years.... take a breather and look back over your life and celebrate just how AMAZING you truly are and just how far you have come!

There is no one else in the world like you... "You are creations first and last chance to be you.... Bask. It is more than enough!" unknown

Have a super week,

Much love and blessings....

Friday 9 September 2011


Life is not always that easy, but it is these little pieces of heaven that just make it so worth while, so enjoy ~ Love Mandy X

Thursday 8 September 2011

Hi there Ladies

I am very excited to Invite you and your friends to my first ever “Invest in Yourself” Ladies Morning!
Yes Ladies, it is time for you to take some time out to “Invest in Yourself!”

The focus of Invest in Yourself, is to give women a safe and fun environment to visit some topics, that are usually quiet daunting, while also offering them some well-deserved time out to relax and have some fun! With each topic I will be getting the relevant experts in to talk to you and hopefully make the topic not so daunting anymore!
Along with the relevant topics, I will talking on health & wellness and the importance of investing in your health and overall well-being!

The first area that I would like us to visit is “ Financial Investments”
Often most woman find the arena of financial investments very daunting and thus leave their financial health up to the men in their lives.
There is also often a misconception that you have to be incredibly wealthy in order start investing money, which is of course not true!
So with this in mind, I have decided to go ahead with this as my starting point, amongst other things!

So here are the details of the FIRST of many events!

“Invest in Yourself”

Saturday the 17th of September 2011
8.45am for 9am to 11am
Macroos – Belaire Suites (Same place as CafĂ© Jiran)
Paul Doherty from Thebe Stock Broking
Mandy Johnson from Reflect-Therapies
 Booking & Payment Procedure
Payment to be made in advance to secure your booking.
Please email Mandy Johnson for Booking form on, as payment needs to be made
before the Wednesday the 14th September 2011
(Banking details on booking form)

Tea & Coffee Provided

For more information please feel free to contact Mandy on
0845013675 or

Friday 12 August 2011

Gaurding Your Energy!

Being an energy healer and a person who has done extensive reading and work with energy I have always been quiet aware of the dangers of being around negative people and situations. I have seen the destructive power of negative thinking in both the work I do and in my own personal life. It adds absolutely nothing to your life. It only serves to take away all that it good and beautiful!

I have recently had a taste of this and my eyes have once again been opened to just how destructive it can be! I always find negative people and situations love to feed off anything positive, sapping you of all your energy and light! You have to guard your energy - it is your responsibility to ensure that you are only surrounding yourself with people and situations that are adding value and love to your life! If they are not - get rid of them!!! Run, run, run like you can!!! You cannot afford to rent space out in your life for anything that is not for your greater good!

So we have established that we must avoid negativity like the plague, but my next question to you is this.... " How do you talk to yourself?" Do you talk to yourself with kind, loving words or do you use harsh, self loathing words?

I always ask my clients to think of the following scenario:
If they had to speak to a child, everyday, the way that they speak to themselves, do they think that child would grow up to be a confident adult who feels loved and secure with who they are?
The Answer is Usually No. 

So why do it to yourself, especially of it not adding any value to your life! STOP IT NOW!! Make a choice TODAY to only use self empowering and loving words towards yourself!

Your destructive inner thoughts do not add any good or value to your life. In fact they are even more destructive and powerful than any negative situation or person could ever be.
Your thoughts, become your feelings, which then become your words, which then become your actions, which ultimately become your REALITY!


So start with yourself! Make the choice today to start saying kind loving things to yourself, and to stop yourself if you catch yourself saying any negative things to yourself - replace them immediately with postive ones!
When you are having your "ME" time during the day, use that time to say some kind words to yourself or if you battle with that, I always find a gratitude diary works well! It helps you to look for the positive in your day. Before I go to bed, I write down 5 things that I want to thank God for blessing me with in my day. (If you do not believe in God, it doesnt matter - Thank the Universe!) They don't have to be complicated, they can be as simple as showing gratitude for the beautiful sunrise! You will be amazed at how this changes your personal energy, as it forces you to look for the good! You will also be amazed at how the negative seems to disappear out of your life....

So make the CHOICE today, to guard yourself against negative THOUGHTS, PEOPLE and SITUATIONS! It is your responsibility! Your life is too precious to waste on anything that is not inspiring you to be AWESOME!!

Have a blessed and safe weekend!

Love and Light

Sunday 7 August 2011


Hi there,

This post from T.Harv Eker really spoke to me this morning - so I thought I would share it with all of you....

"It's imperative to do what we love to do, what we truly enjoy. Joy is a clue from your heart, different from pleasure. When you invoke the feeling of joy you're tapping into your higher nature, your truer self, and the source of your full power, your full creativity, your full wisdom."

So when last did you feel joy? Do you even remember what it feels like to have joy in your life?
Often we are so busy rushing around and doing what needs to be done, that we forget WHY we are here, WHAT it is like to feel JOY or even worse, we have forgotten HOW to bring joy into our lives!
Do not despair - it isn't as daunting as it may seem!
Joy can be accessed in so many different ways and it doesn't require much!
All it requires is a smile!!!

The best way to access joy is by starting with YOURSELF! To be truly filled with joy, you need to go within! Only you can create true happiness for yourself!! No one can make you happy!
So yes, it is time to reconnect with your inner self!
Sound impossible? Well it is not!
All it takes is you committing to taking some time out for yourself everyday!! 5minutes of YOU time! (We can all find 5 minutes in our day, where we can block out the world and focus within.)

Find a time in your day where you can reconnect with yourself! Be it in the evenings while you soak in a bubble bath or early in the morning on your way to the gym. Where ever it is, it is important for you to find the time. That time in the day where you can focus on yourself and what it is that YOU are actually wanting to achieve and enjoy in your life! You could even just take the time out to do some deep breathing! What ever you choose to do in that time, you will be amazed by the effect that it will have on your life and your overall well being.(I must however warn you that it is highly addictive!)

It is through reconnecting with your inner self that you are able to access the very things that you are passionate about; your goals, dreams and aspirations! The very things that make you feel JOY in your life!!! So often we forget what we are truly passionate about and what our dreams and aspirations are. We get stuck in the hum drum of life and forget what it is that we actually ENJOY!

So go and enjoy some well deserved YOU time!

Sending you loads of love, happiness and JOY!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

"Those" things we have to do....

So I had one of those EARLY morning starts, when your minds starts to go wild about "those" things that you have been putting off doing for ages, while you are desperately trying to sleep!
So since it is Action August and I cannot have my sleep disturbed like this - I decided I better get started on my "To Do List"

Hmmm... I now understand why I procrastinate with these things. It is painful! Never mind that you have to deal with people who make it their goal in life to be as "unhelpful" as humanly possible!

I MUST however commend ABSA Vechile Finance for being the most helpful and effective! It was a pleasure dealing with you!
As for the rest of you... No Comment!

I am now off to have a wonderous cup of coffee with a dear friend whom I have not seen in years!

Be good!

Brain Trick

Ok so this has had me in fits of laughter! You have to give it a bash!

Monday 1 August 2011

Just Do it!

Welcome to my blog!

This has been something that I have been wanting to do for ages, but I have just never knuckled down to do it! So it was after a "challenging" week last week and a cup of coffee with a friend, that I asked myself, "What are you waiting for?" (Maybe an invitation or a loud booming voice to say: " Mandy you need to start your own blog!!!" )
Anyway the main thing I guess is that I have started!
I have moved from wanting and wishing to doing! ACTION! 

So what is my challenge for you today...?
We all have something that we have been wanting to do for ages... it could be as simple as arranging that cup of tea with a dear friend or starting a new exercitse regime! Whatever it is - however BIG or small it is, I want you to START it... Move from the wanting and wishing, to doing and having!!

So here's to ACTION AUGUST!

Let me know how it goes!

Love and Light