
Monday 1 August 2011

Just Do it!

Welcome to my blog!

This has been something that I have been wanting to do for ages, but I have just never knuckled down to do it! So it was after a "challenging" week last week and a cup of coffee with a friend, that I asked myself, "What are you waiting for?" (Maybe an invitation or a loud booming voice to say: " Mandy you need to start your own blog!!!" )
Anyway the main thing I guess is that I have started!
I have moved from wanting and wishing to doing! ACTION! 

So what is my challenge for you today...?
We all have something that we have been wanting to do for ages... it could be as simple as arranging that cup of tea with a dear friend or starting a new exercitse regime! Whatever it is - however BIG or small it is, I want you to START it... Move from the wanting and wishing, to doing and having!!

So here's to ACTION AUGUST!

Let me know how it goes!

Love and Light

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