
Friday 12 August 2011

Gaurding Your Energy!

Being an energy healer and a person who has done extensive reading and work with energy I have always been quiet aware of the dangers of being around negative people and situations. I have seen the destructive power of negative thinking in both the work I do and in my own personal life. It adds absolutely nothing to your life. It only serves to take away all that it good and beautiful!

I have recently had a taste of this and my eyes have once again been opened to just how destructive it can be! I always find negative people and situations love to feed off anything positive, sapping you of all your energy and light! You have to guard your energy - it is your responsibility to ensure that you are only surrounding yourself with people and situations that are adding value and love to your life! If they are not - get rid of them!!! Run, run, run like you can!!! You cannot afford to rent space out in your life for anything that is not for your greater good!

So we have established that we must avoid negativity like the plague, but my next question to you is this.... " How do you talk to yourself?" Do you talk to yourself with kind, loving words or do you use harsh, self loathing words?

I always ask my clients to think of the following scenario:
If they had to speak to a child, everyday, the way that they speak to themselves, do they think that child would grow up to be a confident adult who feels loved and secure with who they are?
The Answer is Usually No. 

So why do it to yourself, especially of it not adding any value to your life! STOP IT NOW!! Make a choice TODAY to only use self empowering and loving words towards yourself!

Your destructive inner thoughts do not add any good or value to your life. In fact they are even more destructive and powerful than any negative situation or person could ever be.
Your thoughts, become your feelings, which then become your words, which then become your actions, which ultimately become your REALITY!


So start with yourself! Make the choice today to start saying kind loving things to yourself, and to stop yourself if you catch yourself saying any negative things to yourself - replace them immediately with postive ones!
When you are having your "ME" time during the day, use that time to say some kind words to yourself or if you battle with that, I always find a gratitude diary works well! It helps you to look for the positive in your day. Before I go to bed, I write down 5 things that I want to thank God for blessing me with in my day. (If you do not believe in God, it doesnt matter - Thank the Universe!) They don't have to be complicated, they can be as simple as showing gratitude for the beautiful sunrise! You will be amazed at how this changes your personal energy, as it forces you to look for the good! You will also be amazed at how the negative seems to disappear out of your life....

So make the CHOICE today, to guard yourself against negative THOUGHTS, PEOPLE and SITUATIONS! It is your responsibility! Your life is too precious to waste on anything that is not inspiring you to be AWESOME!!

Have a blessed and safe weekend!

Love and Light

1 comment:

  1. very interesting blog post,

    My mom is very into magnetic healing,
    will definitly pass this onto her
