
Tuesday 15 November 2011

Looking Back....

WOW! It is hard to believe that 2011 is nearly over and 2012 is just around the corner!
I have found myself, over the last couple of days, reviewing my year.... It's not such a bad thing to do....

So often we are forging ahead, setting new goals and challenges that we often forget all the small little things we have achieved and we don't actually realise just how far we have come!
When we are in the trenches, it is often so difficult for one to see their growth. We often feel as if we have achieved nothing and life is standing still. Let me tell you it will never be the case! All those small steps that you take every day, eventually add up and by just taking the time to reconcile, you will see just how far you have come!

So before you start working on those new years resolutions or feeling like you have achieved nothing over the years.... take a breather and look back over your life and celebrate just how AMAZING you truly are and just how far you have come!

There is no one else in the world like you... "You are creations first and last chance to be you.... Bask. It is more than enough!" unknown

Have a super week,

Much love and blessings....

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