
Sunday 7 August 2011


Hi there,

This post from T.Harv Eker really spoke to me this morning - so I thought I would share it with all of you....

"It's imperative to do what we love to do, what we truly enjoy. Joy is a clue from your heart, different from pleasure. When you invoke the feeling of joy you're tapping into your higher nature, your truer self, and the source of your full power, your full creativity, your full wisdom."

So when last did you feel joy? Do you even remember what it feels like to have joy in your life?
Often we are so busy rushing around and doing what needs to be done, that we forget WHY we are here, WHAT it is like to feel JOY or even worse, we have forgotten HOW to bring joy into our lives!
Do not despair - it isn't as daunting as it may seem!
Joy can be accessed in so many different ways and it doesn't require much!
All it requires is a smile!!!

The best way to access joy is by starting with YOURSELF! To be truly filled with joy, you need to go within! Only you can create true happiness for yourself!! No one can make you happy!
So yes, it is time to reconnect with your inner self!
Sound impossible? Well it is not!
All it takes is you committing to taking some time out for yourself everyday!! 5minutes of YOU time! (We can all find 5 minutes in our day, where we can block out the world and focus within.)

Find a time in your day where you can reconnect with yourself! Be it in the evenings while you soak in a bubble bath or early in the morning on your way to the gym. Where ever it is, it is important for you to find the time. That time in the day where you can focus on yourself and what it is that YOU are actually wanting to achieve and enjoy in your life! You could even just take the time out to do some deep breathing! What ever you choose to do in that time, you will be amazed by the effect that it will have on your life and your overall well being.(I must however warn you that it is highly addictive!)

It is through reconnecting with your inner self that you are able to access the very things that you are passionate about; your goals, dreams and aspirations! The very things that make you feel JOY in your life!!! So often we forget what we are truly passionate about and what our dreams and aspirations are. We get stuck in the hum drum of life and forget what it is that we actually ENJOY!

So go and enjoy some well deserved YOU time!

Sending you loads of love, happiness and JOY!

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