
Thursday 8 September 2011

Hi there Ladies

I am very excited to Invite you and your friends to my first ever “Invest in Yourself” Ladies Morning!
Yes Ladies, it is time for you to take some time out to “Invest in Yourself!”

The focus of Invest in Yourself, is to give women a safe and fun environment to visit some topics, that are usually quiet daunting, while also offering them some well-deserved time out to relax and have some fun! With each topic I will be getting the relevant experts in to talk to you and hopefully make the topic not so daunting anymore!
Along with the relevant topics, I will talking on health & wellness and the importance of investing in your health and overall well-being!

The first area that I would like us to visit is “ Financial Investments”
Often most woman find the arena of financial investments very daunting and thus leave their financial health up to the men in their lives.
There is also often a misconception that you have to be incredibly wealthy in order start investing money, which is of course not true!
So with this in mind, I have decided to go ahead with this as my starting point, amongst other things!

So here are the details of the FIRST of many events!

“Invest in Yourself”

Saturday the 17th of September 2011
8.45am for 9am to 11am
Macroos – Belaire Suites (Same place as Café Jiran)
Paul Doherty from Thebe Stock Broking
Mandy Johnson from Reflect-Therapies
 Booking & Payment Procedure
Payment to be made in advance to secure your booking.
Please email Mandy Johnson for Booking form on, as payment needs to be made
before the Wednesday the 14th September 2011
(Banking details on booking form)

Tea & Coffee Provided

For more information please feel free to contact Mandy on
0845013675 or

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